Page Builder not Loading after activating PowerPack
If you are experiencing this issue where Page Builder stops loading after activating the PowerPack then try the following troubleshooting tips:
1. Latest Version of Beaver Builder
We have noticed that a lot of times this issue is caused by an outdated version of Beaver Builder. We keep improving PowerPack and utilize the latest features provided by Beaver Builder on an ongoing basis. So, please make sure that you are running the latest version fo Beaver Builder.
2. Deactivating Caching Plugins
Sometimes JS minify and cache plugins combine the files and this leads to JS errors. Disabling caching plugin or concatenate & minify JS options can fix the problem.
3. Check Mod Security settings
Beaver Builder knowledgebase explains this issue and a fix for the same. You can add the following code to your site’s wp-config.php file
define( 'FL_BUILDER_MODSEC_FIX', true );
4. SiteGround Hosting
If you are using SiteGround, you can experience the problem with Page Builder and PowerPack. The problem occurs when you have SG Optimizer plugin active on your site. SG Optimizer is SiteGround’s caching plugin which gets installed and activated when you set up a new WP site. Disabling the plugin will fix the problem with Page Builder.
5. Increase PHP Memory Limit
PowerPack is built for performance and works on 64MB PHP Memory as well. But, in case your site has limited resources or more plugins, it can cause problems. So, the fix is to increase the PHP Memory Limit. You can follow this guide to increase the PHP Memory.
If above steps do not work, please contact us