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  5. Hooks & Filters in Content Grid Module

Hooks & Filters in Content Grid Module

The PowerPack Content Grid module is a highly flexible and powerful module to display content on your site. We have made it developer-friendly by adding Hooks & Filters.

You can also customize it by overriding the module in your theme. Click here to understand how module override functionality works.

Hooks in Content Grid Module

Hook Location Description
pp_cg_before_posts Before all the Posts Hooks the code before the opening div class="pp-post-filters-wrapper wrapper.
pp_cg_after_posts After all the Posts Hooks the code after the closing div class="pp-content-post- wrapper and above pagination HTML.
pp_cg_after_pagination After Pagination Hooks the code after pagination HTML.
pp_cg_before_post_content Before single post content (single grid item’s content) Hooks the code before the single grid item’s content wrapper.
pp_cg_after_post_content Hooks the code after the closing Hooks the code after the single grid item’s content wrapper.

Filters in Content Grid Module

Filter Description
pp_cg_placeholder_img Change the default placeholder image.
pp_cg_carousel_nav_arrows Filter to change or modify the navigation arrows of carousel.
pp_cg_custom_layout_enqueue_fa_stylesheet Filter to enable or disable loading of FontAwesome stylehseet when using the custom layout. Default: true