How to use Content Filters in Content Grid with URL?

By Achal Jain · August 2, 2019

Using taxonomy filters and activating a specific filter can be easily done with URL. For this, you merely need to add the following text as a suffix to the link of the page where the grid is placed – “#” + “category or tag slug“. Let’s say the content filter is set to categories, you will have to…

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How to Setup Filter/Photo Groups?

By nirbhay · August 2, 2019

PowerPack’s Filterable Gallery provides a very convenient way of organizing photos into groups. These photos can also be filtered based on the photo groups they are in. It is very easy to set up Photo Groups. Go the Photo Tab and click Edit/Add Photo Group option. Add Filter Label name. This name will be displayed…

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How to Setup FAQ using Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Repeater Field?

By nirbhay · September 30, 2019

An amazing feature of the FAQ module is to fetch the data using the ACF’s Repeater Field. Setting up the FAQ using ACF is a little bit trickier. Let us see how it is done. 1. Create an ACF Repeater Field Note: ACF Repeater Field option is available in the ACF’s Pro version only. Step…

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How to add Mini Cart to the Header?

By nirbhay · August 7, 2019

A great shopping experience is always incomplete without a swift cart checkout. WooPack offers great functionality and ease of customization in its Mini Cart module. A question that is commonly asked to us while setting up Mini Cart is that “How to add it to the site Header so that the user always sees it?“.…

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How to Set-Up Dual Pricing?

By nirbhay · August 2, 2019

PowerPack’s Pricing Table is packed with very powerful features like Dual Pricing. Dual Pricing enables you to display pricing based on certain criteria such as Monthly/Yearly Pricing etc. You can enable Dual Pricing under the settings tab at General > Enable Dual Pricing > Yes.   Once you’ve enabled it you will get multiple options…

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How to Set-Up Google Maps Module?

By nirbhay · October 29, 2019

PowerPack Google Maps can be set up in 3 simple steps. Please check them below to use Google Maps. STEP 1: Getting the API Key Get the Google Maps API Key. If you already have an API key then you can copy it from Google’s Cloud’s Developer Console. Else please follow the following documentation to…

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How to change number of Logos for Responsive Devices in Logo Carousel?

By nirbhay · August 2, 2019

Changing the number of logos for Responsive Devices in Logo Carousel is pretty easy. Step 1: Click on the Logo Carousel module to open its settings. Step 2: Under the General Tab, you will see the number of logos in a row option. It has three fields, Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile. Step 3: Change the…

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How to Style Radio Button & Checkbox?

By nirbhay · August 2, 2019

PowerPack Gravity Forms style provides the option to style Radio Button and Checkbox under Inputs Tab. Browse to Input > Radio & Checkbox > Enable Custom Style > Yes Once enabled, you’ll find options to set the color, border, size, of Radio Button and Checkbox

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How to Target Filters by URL in Filterable Gallery?

By Achal Jain · August 2, 2019

Filter by URL is a special feature of PowerPack’s Filterable Gallery. It allows you to set Active Filter in Gallery by passing it as a parameter in the URL. If you want to display photos of a particular category to the user then this feature is really helpful. To set up the Filter by URL…

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How to open/target Specific Tab Item with URL?

By Achal Jain · August 2, 2019

Opening a specific Advanced Tab with a link anywhere on the website can be easily done. For this, we need to define a prefix that will be applied to the ID attribute of tabs in HTML. For example, the prefix “mytab” will be applied as “mytab-1”, “mytab-2” in the ID attribute of Tab 1 and…

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