Change Logs

Check out what's new with PowerPack Beaver Addons.

2.7.5 – September 25, 2019



  • FAQ - Added ACF and Post Type support
  • FAQ - Added HTML tag selection option for questions
  • Smart Heading - Added responsive support for padding fields
  • Google Map - Added logic to show tooltip on click
  • Content Grid - Added URL support to field connection for Custom Layout HTML field
  • Info Box - Added icon option for button
  • Hotspot - Added marker link option when tooltips set to disabled
  • Gravity Forms Styler - Added styling options for success message
  • Photo Gallery - Added lightbox animation and transition options


  • Album - Lightbox background color was not working
  • Album - Button text color was being overridden when a text color set in row settings
  • Image - Overlapping sticky header due to higher z-index
  • Modal Box - Added missing reset options to color fields
  • Dual Button - Added responsive alignment option
  • Advanced Menu - Toggle icon responsive alignment options were not working sometimes
  • Countdown - Expiration message style was not loading when using Evergreen countdown
  • Core - JS error due to row background effects

2.7.4 – September 4, 2019



  • Core - Admin UI refresh
  • Album - Added lightbox styling options
  • Album - Added image size option when first image is selected as cover image
  • Advanced Menu - Added tabindex for tab navigation
  • Advanced Menu - Added option to change submenu background color for responsive devices
  • Content Grid - Added option to toggle carousel loop
  • Testimonials - Added alpha channel for background color
  • Row Background Effects - Added option to choose whether to enable hover effects or not
  • Row Background Effects - Added option to put custom JSON for particle JS
  • Row Background Effects - Added option to change particle size on hover


  • Header / Footer - Sticky header was not working due to missing jQuery throttle dependency
  • Post Timeline - Hidden items issue in horizontal layout
  • Modal Box - Cut-off issue in iPhone
  • Content Grid - Duplicate posts rendering due to BB's cached JS loaded twice on some server
  • Filterable Gallery - Number of Columns was not working if spacing field left empty
  • Photo Gallery - Long caption overflow issue
  • Image Carousel - Responsive container width issue when using fade effect
  • Row Background Effects - Issue with particle size on hover toggle


  • Advanced Menu - Added hook pp_advanced_menu_enable_item_description to render menu item description

2.7.3 – August 12, 2019



  • Image - Added image effects options
  • Content Grid - Added image effects options
  • Core - Added logic to define license key in wp-config.php file


  • Video - Video was being auto played when custom overlay is enabled
  • Photo Gallery - Added missing rel attribute on link
  • Filterable Gallery - Added missing rel attribute on link
  • Header / Footer was being rendered even when the template post has deleted – July 31, 2019


  • Filterable Gallery - Number of Columns field was not getting saved
  • Advanced Menu - Responsive Breakpoint setting was not working for toggle button sometimes
  • Content Tiles - Breaking layout when Show Other Posts field is enabled and there are no more posts to be displayed – July 29, 2019


  • Login Form - Redirect Logout URL was the same as Login URL
  • Login Form - Redirecting to wp-login page sometimes without logged-in
  • Photo Gallery - Removed srcset tag from images that was making images uneven in size – July 25, 2019


  • Video - External video type was not working – July 24, 2019


  • Advanced Menu - Submenu width below 220px was not working
  • Album - PHP warning due to empty data
  • Table - Minor JS issue when using this module in Advanced Tabs
  • Hotspot - Multiple tooltip issue on click
  • Header / Footer - Missing imagesloaded script error

2.7.2 – July 17, 2019



  • Timeline - Added alpha option for Box background color
  • Content Grid - Added logic to scroll the page to Content Grid module after paginating
  • Content Grid - Added option to center align slides when there is only one item/post in carousel
  • Contact Form - Added HTML tag selection option for Custom Title
  • Advanced Menu - Added alpha channel for responsive Link Background and Link Background Hover color options
  • Table - Added option choose first as header row in CSV import
  • Animated Headline - Added div and p as HTML tags for headline
  • Countdown - Added responsive option for block width
  • Photo Gallery - Added option to center align last row
  • Core - Added Header / Footer and Maintenance Mode toggle options in White Label settings


  • Content Grid - Active pagination colors were not working when using FacetWP
  • Content Grid - Layout broke when using dynamic filters and content type set to custom
  • Advanced Tabs - Tab was showing as inactive on window resize
  • Animated Headlines - Duplicate highlighted text issue when layout created with Beaver Themer
  • Fix: Login Form - Added input width default in module to avoid theme dependency
  • Photo Gallery - Load More button was showing even when the number of images is equal to the images per page
  • Contact Form 7 - Removed default styling set in module for button
  • InfoList - Full size Image icon was loading instead of selected one
  • Contact Form - Added missing ID attributes of fields
  • Advanced Menu - Incorrect horizontal spacing issue in preview
  • Advanced Menu - Sub-menu desktop width was being applied to responsive element
  • Smart Heading - Separator alignment issue on responsive devices
  • Filterable Gallery - Filter padding field preview issue
  • Image Hotspot - Tooltip was not working on touch devices when marker animation is active
  • Pricing Table - Minor CSS issue


  • Content Grid - Added hook pp_cg_carousel_max_breakpoint to change maximum device breakpoint
  • Login Form - Added filter pp_login_form_logged_in_message to customize logged-in message

2.7.1 – June 11, 2019



  • Info Box - Added media buttons to content field
  • Info Box - Added HTML tag selection for title prefix
  • Pricing Table - Added option to adjust bottom spacing of dual pricing switch control
  • Facebook Page - Added None as layout option to do not render any layout tabs in embedded page
  • Maintenance Mode - Added compatibility for BB theme, GeneratePress, Genesis, Page Builder Framework, and Storefront theme
  • Maintenance Mode - Added logic to clear BB's cache once enabling/disabling maintenance mode
  • Core - Added admin notice if PowerPack detects Beaver Builder version less than 2.2
  • Core - Added color field connections in all modules


  • Info List - Title typography was not working for tags other than h3
  • Smart Headings - Removed default colors to inherit them from active theme
  • Modal Box - Added support for Image Carousel module
  • Row templates were showing directly in UI panel without Row Templates group if white label setting field is empty


  • Content Grid - Added hook pp_cg_after_post_filters – June 3, 2019


  • Info Box - Module was showing against the visibility settings when using equal height columns
  • Hover Cards - Responsive width was not working
  • Search Form - Toggle icon was not working for full screen search
  • Info List - Title color was not working for HTML tags other than h3
  • Announcement Bar - Close icon was not appearing
  • Content Tiles - Responsive size and spacing issue
  • Gallery - Pagination was not working with ACF field connection
  • Core - Updated templates data URLs


  • Content Grid - Added $settings variable as another parameter to pp_cg_before_post_content and pp_cg_after_post_content hooks