
Beaver gets smarter with Modal Box & White Label features!

By Puneet · June 30, 2016

The PowerPack Beaver Builder add-on  journey has been amazing so far! We have been putting our best efforts every day to bring the best to you. In last few days, we worked on building some really cool features. Today, we are launching PowerPack addon with the Modal Box Module and White Label options. There’s no extra…

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Announcing PowerPack 1.0.4 – 6 New Modules, Bug Fixes & Improvements

By Puneet · June 23, 2016

It’s been only a week since we launched PowerPack addon. We are absolutely thrilled by the response which we have received from the community. It has been a driving force for us to keep working hard. We had a roadmap planned for future add-ons. But, there were some requests from users which we decided to…

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Announcing the launch of PowerPack Addon for Beaver Builder

By Puneet · June 15, 2016

The day has come and I am thrilled to announce the launch of PowerPack Beaver Builder Add-on. PowerPack has been in works for the last 2 weeks. After endless efforts, working around the clock, testing the features and finalize everything we are ready to launch the plugin today. What is PowerPack Beaver Builder Add-on? PowerPack is simply the…

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