Change Logs

Check out what's new with PowerPack Beaver Addons.

2.17.1 – July 20, 2021


  • Image Hotspot - Added an option to close tooltip by clicking anywhere


  • Instagram Feed - The width of the slider was getting overridden by JetPack's CSS
  • Image Carousel - The width of the slider was getting overridden by JetPack's CSS
  • Video Gallery - The width of the slider was getting overridden by JetPack's CSS
  • Login Form - Full name was getting registered in the first name field when using Google login
  • File Download - File field required issue when using "multiple" type

2.17.0 – July 14, 2021


  • Contact Form - Added hCaptcha integration
  • File Download - Added an option to choose a single source of the file or a dropdown with multiple files
  • Animated Headline - Added data-index attribute to rotating text for custom style
  • Off-Canvas Content - Added a logic to adjust the height automatically for top and bottom direction when the size is not given
  • Modal Box - Added an option to disable animations on overlay
  • Advanced Accordion - Added accessibility and keyboard navigation support
  • Advanced Accordion - Added an option to select an image as an icon
  • Announcement Bar - Added accessibility and keyboard navigation support
  • Announcement Bar - Replaced textarea field with WYSIWYG editor for content
  • Social Icons - Added support for TikTok icon
  • Info List - Added an option to align the icon to left or right with heading or content
  • Content Grid - Added logic to stop carousel autoplay when hovering over navigation arrows
  • Testimonials - Added an option to choose HTML tag for heading
  • How-To - Added an option to choose HTML tag for steps title


  • Advanced Accordion - Saved templates were not getting rendered for logged out users in some cases
  • Instagram Feed - Square layout issue
  • Content Grid - Incorrect post width issue
  • Content Grid - Added fallback method when AJAX pagination fails to load the posts on the front page in some cases
  • Content Grid - Carousel - Number of items were appearing based on min-width on tablet and mobile
  • Content Grid - Price and ratings were not showing when using AJAX filters for WooCommerce product post type
  • Flip Box - Removed default width and height for the image
  • Off-Canvas Content - Minor CSS issue regarding top and bottom layout
  • WPForms - Padding issue with phone field
  • Fluent Forms - PHP warning in some cases
  • Testimonials - Removed Carousel option in respect to the number of slides field
  • Table - Unable to save the module when CSV import field contains invalid characters in some cases
  • Photo Gallery - PHP warning when a user leaves the number of columns field empty
  • Restaurant Menu - Currency symbol position right was not getting applied when using inline layout
  • Image - Set max-width to Caption container to match the width of the image


  • Advanced Menu - Added filter hook pp_advanced_menu_html_toggle to modify the hamburger toggle markup

2.16.4 – June 17, 2021


  • Advanced Menu - Accordion toggle issue on responsive breakpoint

2.16.3 – June 16, 2021


  • Content Grid - Added "Slug" as order-by option
  • Testimonials - Added an option to disable the mouse drag for the slider


  • Advanced Menu - Toggle arrows getting mixed up with text in a horizontal layout with center alignment
  • Advanced Menu - Keyboard navigation issue
  • Gravity Forms Styler - Couple of error related styling fields were not working for GF 2.5 and above
  • Modal Box - iframe loading issue on page load in some cases
  • Logos Grid - Spacing issue on medium breakpoint
  • Image Carousel - Autoplay Speed field left emptied causes JS error
  • Header/Footer - Header background color getting transparent in builder due to overlay setting

2.16.2 – June 2, 2021


  • Video - Added an option to provide a value for HTML title attribute for iframe and video tag
  • Image Carousel - Added options to add custom screen reader text for previous and next nav arrows
  • Advanced Accordion - ACF Repeater - Added logic to convert URL to clickable link returned from ACF file field used for accordion item content


  • Modal Box - Popup was getting closed automatically in some cases
  • Testimonials - Spacing was not working in grid layout when the column is set to 1
  • Content Grid - Layout issue when used in Advanced Accordion module
  • Advanced Accordion - Automatic page scroll issue

2.16.1 – May 26, 2021


  • Advanced Menu - Submenu padding, search icon alignment, and toggle arrows in full-screen overlay issue
  • Row Animated Background - Colors were not getting applied after the last update

2.16.0 – May 25, 2021


  • Maintenance Mode - Added an option to access the site via a user-defined secret access key
  • Maintenance Mode - Added support for Beaver Builder's saved layout and row templates
  • Video - Added a new source for Wistia videos embed
  • Business Hours - Added an option for 24-hour format
  • Business Hours - Added options to change or translate day names
  • Testimonials - Added options to control styling for the entire box
  • Content Grid - Enabled responsive option for filters padding
  • Category Grid - Added Meta Value, Meta Value Number, and None option in Order By field
  • Image Carousel - Added accessibility support
  • Modal Box - Added a field to enter screen reader text for the modal button type image and icon
  • WPForms - Added options to control typography for checkbox and radio labels
  • Content Ticker - Added link field for header


  • Filterable Gallery - ACF Gallery field connection was not working
  • Sitemap - Some taxonomies were not appearing in the dropdown
  • Author Box - anchor tag was appearing when the link is set to none
  • Advanced Menu - Toggle arrows direction issue in vertical layout
  • Advanced Menu - Submenu toggle was not working in Off-Canvas due to vertical layout
  • Subscribe Form and Contact Form - Updated AJAX URLs
  • Testimonials - ADA compliance issue with slider pagination dots
  • Info List - Responsive alignment issue for icon position top
  • Album - Border radius was not working for the overlay
  • Dot Navigation - Scroll effect was still working on devices of the breakpoint set in the module
  • Dot Navigation - JS error while scrolling the page
  • Divider - Horizontal padding was not working if vertical padding remains 0 or empty
  • Pricing Table - PHP warning in frontend.css.php due to empty field
  • Restaurant Menu - PHP warning in frontend.css.php due to empty field
  • Content Grid - PHP warning in frontend.css.php and frontend.js.php due to empty post spacing and column fields
  • Hotspot - PHP warning
  • Row Separators - ADA compliance issue
  • Row Effects - Line Particles - ADA compliance issue
  • Row Effects - JS error
  • Maintenance Mode - "part" layout built with themer was not getting excluded


  • Content Grid - Added filter hooks - pp_cg_filtered_terms and pp_cg_filtered_term

2.15.4 – April 20, 2021


  • Video & Video Gallery - Added logic to close lightbox on ESC key press


  • Photo Gallery - Close the lightbox when tapping outside the image on small devices
  • Smart Button & File Download - Clicking on reset background hover color was adding transparent background
  • Logos Grid - Spacing issue in small devices
  • Subscribe Form - Inline layout was not responsive on small devices
  • Content Grid - Image effects were not working for Style 9
  • Content Grid - The Events Calendar options were not showing on the events archive in the builder
  • Image - SVG image was stopped showing when used in the sticky header
  • Flip Box - ADA compliance issue when headings are left empty

2.15.3 – April 8, 2021


  • Off-Canvas Content - Saved layouts were not getting added in dropdown due to cached AJAX URL
  • Modal Box - Saved layouts were not getting added in dropdown due to cached AJAX URL
  • Testimonials Slider - ADA compliance issue with slider arrow buttons
  • Contact Form - ADA compliance issue with the button icon
  • Image - Image size issue when used in the sticky header set through Beaver Themer
  • Instagram Feed - Added an option to maintain width for the square layout
  • Dual Button - Spacing was not working vertically when buttons get stacked at a given breakpoint
  • Image Carousel - Disable thumbnail loop respecting to the Loop option to prevent image centering issues
  • Content Ticker - Added missing alpha channel for Content Hover Background Color
  • Info List - Icon alignment issue
  • Added MainWP compatibility for plugin update


  • Advanced Accordion - Added filter hook pp_accordion_cpt_query_args

2.15.2 – March 26, 2021


  • Category Grid - Added logic to exclude the current category from the taxonomy archive


  • Content Grid - Taxonomy filters order setting was not working when displaying only child terms
  • Advanced Menu - hide-heading class was not working in mobile devices with horizontal menu
  • Smart Button - Link nofollow setting was not getting saved
  • Image Carousel - Keyboard navigation was not working
  • Header/Footer - WPML issue
  • jQuery compatibility issue since WP 5.7