Change Logs

Check out what's new with PowerPack Beaver Addons.

2.22.2 – April 5, 2022


  • Category Grid - Added loop option for the slider and re-arranged slider controls in the module settings
  • Image - Added srcset attribute to <img> HTML tag when crop is disabled in the module
  • Video - Added support for YouTube Shorts
  • Album - Added CSS class pp-album-img to <img> HTML tag


  • Video - Lightbox was not getting triggered when pressing the "Enter" key
  • Filterable Gallery - Caption in lightbox was not visible when the window height is less than the image height
  • Announcement Bar - Single cookie was getting set for multiple instances of the module
  • Content Grid - Columns issue in Firefox due to the browser's pixel-rounding difference
  • Header/Footer - CSS loading sequence issue in some cases
  • Header/Footer - Hide sticky overlay header when editing other pages in builder
  • Removed default navigation arrow colors from Image Carousel, Content Grid, Logos Grid, and Testimonial modules


  • Registration Form - Added filter hook pp_rf_field_html

2.22.1 – March 22, 2022


  • Modal Box - Text align under button typography fields was not working
  • Content Ticker - PHP warning in WPML translation editor screen
  • Info List - Responsive alignment issue for layout 3
  • Info Box - Missing title prefix after the recent update
  • Content Grid - Filter issue in some cases after the recent update
  • Gravity Forms - Submit button styles were not working when the button location is set to the end of the last row (inline) in GF 2.6.x


  • Sitemap - Added filter hook pp_sitemap_post_query_args
  • Sitemap - Added filter hook pp_sitemap_taxonomy_query_args
  • Added filter hook pp_prev_icon_svg
  • Added filter hook pp_next_icon_svg

2.22.0 – March 16, 2022


  • Added support for plugin auto-update
  • Login Form - Render error message returning in response with 503 status
  • Content Grid - Added CSS class pp-post-img to the featured image <img> tag (not applicable for the custom layout)
  • Content Grid - Added Content Width option to control the width of the post content when the featured image is enabled in Style 8
  • Dual Button - Enabled responsive control for the spacing field and minor CSS improvements
  • Subscribe Form - Added label to the close button for ADA compliance
  • Subscribe Form - Added integration for reCAPTCHA and hCaptcha
  • Sliding Menu - Reveal the submenu when the current page is inside the submenu
  • Photo Gallery - Added an option to show/hide image description in the lightbox
  • One Page Navigation - Hide the nav item when there the row does not exist on the page of the given ID
  • Modal Box - Added an option to choose title HTML tag
  • Info Box - Added an option to enable the link for both the button and title
  • Content Ticker - Added WPML support for module fields
  • Card Slider - Added WPML support for module fields
  • Table of Contents - Added WPML support for the title field
  • Video - Added keyboard navigation and play support
  • Video Gallery - Added keyboard navigation and play support


  • Modal Box - Popup was not displaying the content for the custom post type
  • Modal Box - Fullscreen overlay modal width issue in some cases
  • Modal Box - Video continues to play that is embedded using the <video> tag after the popup is closed
  • Subscribe Form - Duplicate HTML ID issue
  • Advanced Accordion - PHP warning in some cases in ACF Relationship field query
  • Advanced Menu - Menu fade out issue in Off-Canvas panel in some cases
  • Advanced Menu - Alignment settings under the "Responsive" tab was not working in some cases
  • Content Grid - Layout issue on window resize when using in the Advanced Tabs module
  • Content Grid - The Events Calendar section was not getting shown on the event tags archive
  • Content Grid - Columns spacing px unit breaks the columns if the given value is more than 10
  • FAQ - PHP warning in some cases in ACF Relationship field query
  • Info List - Responsive alignment issue
  • Filterable Gallery - Applying both border and border-radius was adding some spacing around the corners of images
  • Image Carousel - Applying both border and border-radius was adding some spacing around the corners of images
  • Animated Headline - Using an apostrophe in the text adding backslash while rendering
  • Off-Canvas Content - Custom font icon was not getting loaded
  • Image Carousel - Image repetition issue in lightbox
  • Image Carousel - Image overlap in the slideshow when images are in different size
  • Team - Link field was not getting shown in WPML translation editor
  • Instagram Feed - Limit field was not working in some cases
  • Google Map - Zooming the map was not retaining the position of custom marker image in some cases
  • Header/Footer - Header was not getting sticky on responsive devices landscape mode
  • Header/Footer - Assets were not getting loaded properly in some cases
  • Row Templates - Incorrect thumbnail image was showing for Pricing Table 4 and 5


  • Video - Added filter hook pp_video_play_button_html
  • Info Box - Added filter hook pp_infobox_icon_link_enabled

2.21.2 – February 2, 2022


  • Advanced Accordion - Added ACF Relationship field as a source (requires Beaver Themer plugin)
  • FAQ - Added ACF Relationship field as a source (requires Beaver Themer plugin)
  • Content Grid - Added an option to open the link in a new window


  • Content Grid - Taxonomy filters were not reappearing when resizing the window from responsive to large in some cases
  • Countdown - PHP warning in frontend.js.php due to empty "fixed date - month" field
  • Advanced Accordion - Leaving the icon size field empty breaks the page on the sites running PHP 8


  • FAQ - Added filter hook pp_faq_items
  • Video Gallery - Added filter hook pp_video_gallery_items

2.21.1 – January 27, 2022


  • Photo Gallery - Images disappeared in justified layout

2.21.0 – January 26, 2022


  • Modules - Allow loading of icons stylesheet like FontAwesome only when the respective setting is enabled and icon is provided
  • Announcement Bar - Added an option to provide a custom icon for the close button from the icons library
  • Table - Allow render table without header
  • Modal Box - Added logic to link the Modal Box in any posts modules with a custom layout feature to display the post content in the popup. See documentation
  • Content Grid - Added "Default" option for TEC order by field to respect the loop query order setting
  • Content Grid - Added "Featured Events" option under TEC Show Events dropdown
  • Content Grid - Introducing "cg-center-align" CSS class to center align posts whey they are less than the number of columns
  • Content Grid - Added px unit for column spacing
  • Search Form - Added an option to choose a custom icon for the input field in Minimal style
  • Image Scroll - Added an option to provide screen reader text for an empty anchor tag for accessibility
  • Row Separator - Enabled alpha channel for separator color field
  • 3D Slider - Allow loading of Magnific Popup scripts only when the lightbox is enabled
  • Image Carousel - Allow loading of Magnific Popup scripts only when the lightbox is enabled
  • Instagram Feed - Allow loading of carousel scripts only when the carousel layout is chosen
  • Logos Grid & Carousel - Allow loading of carousel scripts when the layout is set to the carousel
  • Logos Grid & Carousel - Removed FontAwesome stylesheet instead used SVG for navigation arrows
  • Modal Box - Allow loading of FontAwesome stylesheet when button type is icon and icon is provided
  • Post Timeline - Allow loading of slider scripts only when the layout is set to horizontal
  • Business Hours - Removed loading of unused FontAwesome stylesheet
  • Star Rating - Removed loading of unused FontAwesome stylesheet
  • Video Gallery - Removed loading of unused FontAwesome stylesheet
  • Columns Separator - Removed loading of FontAwesome stylesheet


  • Admin settings - Templates were not loading in some cases due to missing wp.template
  • Dual Button - Alignment issue on medium and responsive breakpoint
  • Advanced Menu - Missing Woo Cart icon after publishing the page
  • Advanced Menu - Responsive menu flash issue on page load
  • Advanced Menu - Extra spacing issue on the desktop when Off-canvas menu is chosen to be displayed on medium and small breakpoints
  • Advanced Menu - Added discernible text to Off-canvas menu close button
  • Image Scroll - Added missing alt attribute to <img> tag
  • Advanced Accordion - Added missing alt text to <img> tag when the content type is image
  • Author Box - Current author archive link target
  • Testimonial - Typography settings were not working for the HTML tag other than h3 for client name and profile
  • Hover Cards 2 - Empty spacing field breaks the page in some cases
  • Category Grid - Responsive Box Height was not working in some cases
  • Category Grid - Minor CSS fixes
  • Social Share - PHP warning for Pinterest share in some cases
  • Animated Headlines - Using the TranslatePress plugin shortcode in the content was not reflecting the translated text
  • Logos Carousel - Hide the initial loading effect due to JS
  • Down Arrow (Row settings) - JS error when there is no fl-row element next to the current row in DOM
  • Content Grid - AJAX pagination was not working when taxonomy filters are disabled or equal height is set
  • Video - Background click to close was not working in lightbox
  • Off-Canvas Content - Button z-index issue
  • Restaurant Menu - PHP warning for undefined variable $menu_item


  • Announcement Bar - Added filter hook pp_announcement_bar_close_icon_html
  • Login Form - Added hook lostpassword_form in lost password form
  • Content Grid - Added filter hook pp_cg_carousel_nav_arrows
  • Content Grid - Added filter hook pp_cg_custom_layout_enqueue_fa_stylesheet

2.20.0 – December 20, 2021


  • Advanced Menu - Added an option to enable Search in the menu
  • Advanced Menu - Added an option to enable Woo Cart in the menu
  • Advanced Menu - Added an option to use Submenu Width as min-width
  • Advanced Menu - Wrapped menu in <nav> HTML tag
  • Modal Box - Added an option to trigger a popup on page scroll by a certain percentage
  • Smart Button - Added an option to provide subtext with its own styling colors and typography
  • Login Form - Added hCaptcha integration
  • Login Form - Added reCAPTCHA and hCaptcha for lost password form as well
  • Category Grid - Added an option to make the content appear overlay or stacked
  • Content Grid - Added logic to not render empty categories in filters
  • Content Grid - Added discernible text to slider previous/next navigation buttons for ADA compliance
  • Content Grid - Added discernible text to slider pagination dots for ADA compliance
  • Advanced Accordion - Added Order By and Offset options for Posts
  • Hover Cards 2 - Use image alt text from media library as primary and card title as secondary (fallback)
  • Photo Gallery - Added typography and width options for the Load More button
  • Photo Gallery - Enabled responsive option for the Load More button alignment
  • Testimonials - Removed unused FontAwesome stylesheet
  • Row Effects - Added Line Color option for Particles effect


  • Content Grid - Filters were not working properly in the main query
  • Content Grid - PHP warning when Column Spacing field is empty
  • Announcement Bar - admin bar menus overlap issue
  • Announcement Bar - Close button ARIA attribute validation issue
  • Hover Cards - Missing image alt tag
  • Testimonials - Fixed height option was not working for Layout 4
  • Off-Canvas Content - Close icon was not getting displayed in some cases
  • Video Gallery - Non-English letters in filter tags were breaking the functionality
  • Advanced Tabs - ajaxurl unfefined error in some cases
  • Advanced Accordion - ajaxurl unfefined error in some cases
  • Header/Footer - Issue with Theme My Login password reset screen


  • Content Grid - Added filter hook pp_cg_filters_show_available_posts_terms
  • Content Grid - Added filter hook pp_cg_post_author_html
  • Author Box - Added filter hook pp_author_box_image_url
  • Author Box - Added filter hook pp_author_box_image_size

2.19.1 – December 2, 2021


  • Content Grid - Pagination was not working properly when using custom query on category archives
  • Content Grid - PHP warning after the recent update
  • Animated Headlines - Shortcodes were not working in the text field
  • Table - File field value in ACF repeater was not getting outputted
  • Filterable Gallery - Filter by URL was not working sometimes in Firefox

2.19.0 – November 29, 2021


  • Maintenance Mode - Added scheduling feature
  • Content Grid - Slide can be swiped using the URL hash in the carousel
  • Coupon - Added more position options for discount code and offer info
  • Subscribe Form - Added form width and alignment options
  • Logos Grid & Carousel - Added background color option for individual logo item
  • Pricing Table - Added package title padding option for individual package item


  • Logos Carousel - Update number of slides on window resize
  • Contact Form - Empty message body getting sent in the email content when the message field is hidden
  • Content Grid - Filters were not working when taxonomy terms slugs are in non-English letters
  • Content Grid - FontAwesome CSS was not loading when using font awesome icon in the custom layout
  • Hotspot - Trouble getting tooltip in touch devices when tooltip display setting is set to hover
  • Social Share - Wrong sharing URL on user profile page by Ultimate Member plugin
  • Breadcrumbs - The alignment setting was not working for responsive devices
  • Info List - Removed empty CSS output for title margin
  • Social Share - Facebook Messenger sharing was no longer working on mobile
  • Timeline - Timeline items not loading in Off-Canvas panel
  • Info List - Icon alignment issue when the whole box is linked


  • Registration Form - Added filter hook pp_rf_email_fields

2.18.4 – November 10, 2021


  • Content Grid - Added an option to provide a custom separator for taxonomy terms


  • Row Animated Background - Fix background size issue when using an image as a background
  • WPForms - Removed empty custom title and description HTML tags
  • Countdown Timer - Expiry message for the fixed timer shows Undefined in some cases
  • Video - Added missing reset option for play icon border hover color
  • Video Gallery - Added missing reset option for play icon border hover color
  • Hotspot - PHP warning in some cases
  • Custom Link field in media modal was not showing when Envira Gallery plugin is active
  • Added missing strings in French translations (props: Emmanuel Soyer)