Change Logs

Check out what's new with PowerPack Beaver Addons.

2.24.3 – July 21, 2022


  • Info Box - Box padding issue where default value for padding-right and padding-bottom was getting applied

2.24.2 – July 20, 2022


  • Author Box - Added social profile fields in the backend user settings to render their icons in the module


  • Info Box - Icon for the button was not rendering in some cases
  • Info Box - PHP warning in some cases
  • Content Grid - Theme's CSS was overriding the visited linked button's style
  • Advanced Menu - Menu was not visible on mobile in some cases when the menu type is full-screen or off-canvas, and the mobile toggle breakpoint is none
  • Image - WP image editor error in some cases
  • Advanced Accordion - Row slideshow was getting paused when an accordion item was set to expand by default
  • Advanced Accordion - Prevent scroll to the expanded item when editing the page in the builder
  • Table of Contents - JS error in some cases
  • Instagram Feed - Removed the option "Feed by Hashtag" as Instagram Basic Display API does not support it
  • Modal Box - Iframe aspect ratio issue when a video source is provided in the "URL" type and height is set to auto
  • Column Separator - Not using breakpoints from the global settings

2.24.1 – June 23, 2022


  • Smart Headings - Empty links were appearing after the recent update
  • Info Box - Responsive layout issue when the global responsive breakpoint is above 767px
  • Info Box - Button styles were not working when Link Type is set to Button + Title
  • Image - Responsive width was getting overridden when used in shrinkable header

2.24.1 – June 23, 2022


  • Smart Headings - Empty links were appearing after the recent update
  • Info Box - Responsive layout issue when the global responsive breakpoint is above 767px
  • Info Box - Button styles were not working when Link Type is set to Button + Title
  • Image - Responsive width was getting overridden when used in shrinkable header

2.24.1 – June 23, 2022


  • Smart Headings - Empty links were appearing after the recent update
  • Info Box - Responsive layout issue when the global responsive breakpoint is above 767px
  • Info Box - Button styles were not working when Link Type is set to Button + Title
  • Image - Responsive width was getting overridden when used in shrinkable header

2.24.0 – June 22, 2022


  • Image - Added rollover image option
  • Image Carousel - Added Lazy Load option
  • Info Box - Enabled responsive controls for various fields
  • Info Box - Changed box padding from single control to dimension control
  • Info Box - Added div as HTML tag option for Title Prefix and Title
  • Google Map - Added an option to provide a link for the marker when Info Window is disabled
  • Table - Added an option to provide an icon for the table header in the manual source
  • Table - Converted URL from ACF repeater field to an anchor link
  • Table - Moved text color fields from the Typography tab to the Style tab
  • Smart Headings - Added two new separator positions; Left of Heading and Right of Heading
  • Smart Headings - Added an option to hide separator on medium or responsive devices
  • Video - Added an option to change the aspect ratio of the video in the lightbox
  • Video Gallery - Added an option to change the aspect ratio of the video in the lightbox
  • Restaurant/Services Menu - Refactor column fields, equal height will be applied automatically
  • Restaurant/Services Menu - Added an option to enable lightbox for menu items image
  • Restaurant/Services Menu - Added HTML tag options for the menu heading and item titles
  • Gravity Forms - Updated typography options for label and input
  • Gravity Forms - Updated input border options
  • Gravity Forms - Moved label text color fields from the Typography tab to the Inputs tab
  • Gravity Forms - Removed default input and label colors, default input padding, and margin values
  • Smart Button - Enabled responsive controls for Icon Spacing field
  • Advanced Tab - Enabled responsive controls for Content Padding field
  • Modal Box - Removed the field "Label in Builder" and used the Label field from the Advanced tab
  • Login/Register - Redirect default WP's password reset link to PowerPack's password reset form when a custom login page is set


  • Image Carousel - Image link with # causing the page to scroll to top
  • Smart Button - Hover transition set to None was not working
  • Gravity Forms - Textarea field height set in the Gravity Form backend was not working
  • Info Box - Link and some fields were not appearing in the module settings when choosing Link Type as Button + Title
  • Info Box - Icon alignment for the left and right layout was not working properly
  • Filterable Gallery - PHP error when Horizontal Spacing field is left empty
  • Animated Headlines - JS error when the module is set to display Never in the Advanced tab
  • Hover Cards - PHP warning in some cases
  • Restaurant/Services Menu - Minor CSS issues


  • Sliding Menus - Added filter hooks pp_sliding_menus_arrow_left and pp_sliding_menus_arrow_right

2.23.3 – May 31, 2022


  • Modal Box - Added a field under the trigger settings to provide a label to identify the Modal Box in the builder
  • Table - Updated border fields
  • Reviews - Allow shortcode in Google Place ID and Yelp Business ID fields
  • Content Grid - Enabled responsive options for the column spacing field


  • Image - Show Custom Caption field only when URL is selected as Photo Source
  • Smart Headings - Long primary heading causes the secondary heading to appear in a new line
  • Image Carousel - Progress bar pagination was not working properly


  • Reviews - Added filter hook pp_reviews_data
  • Sliding Menus - Added filter hook pp_sliding_menus_nav_args

2.23.2 – May 11, 2022


  • Image - Added field connection for the Photo URL and Caption fields


  • Hover Cards 2 - Content was not retaining paragraph break
  • Content Grid - Post taxonomy terms were not showing in Style 3 after the recent update
  • Image - PHP warning in some cases where WordPress unable to get the image size
  • Sliding Menus - Multiple instances of the same saved module on the page causes the links to disappear
  • Icon/Number List - PHP error in WPML translation editor
  • Animated Background - Slow loading of the background image
  • Header/Footer - Header was getting disappeared when editing the header page in the builder
  • Login/Register - Password protected pages redirecting to custom login page set in PowerPack settings

2.23.1 – May 4, 2022


  • Off-Canvas Content - Missing content element after the recent update v2.23.0

2.23.0 – May 4, 2022


  • Reviews - Added an option to link the review to the original profile
  • Reviews - Added an option to trim the review text for Google and Yelp
  • How-To - Added an option to enable lightbox for images in steps
  • Pricing Table - Button fields refactor, added border group field
  • Pricing Table - Improved feature items field, added icon and tooltip options
  • Video - Added support for Facebook video
  • Image Hotspot - Added an option to hide tour on desktop
  • Smart Headings - Added hover color option
  • Modal Box - Enabled responsive options for custom height option
  • Modal Box - Improved embedded video dimensions
  • Modal Box - Added support for accessibility and keyboard navigation
  • Off-Canvas Content - Added support for accessibility and keyboard navigation
  • Gravity Forms - Added an option to set a custom color for "Required" text
  • Hover Cards 2 - Added an option to set the image as a background
  • Hover Cards 2 - Gutter/Spacing field now supports px unit and enabled responsive controls
  • Image/Photo Gallery - Enabled all registered image sizes for lightbox


  • Contact Form - Removed empty HTML of custom title and description
  • Advanced Accordion - BB's Slideshow module was not working properly when used in the accordion
  • Advanced Tabs - BB's Slideshow module was not working properly when used in a tab
  • Gravity Forms - Button alignment issue with the recent version of Gravity Forms
  • Modal Box - Beaver Themer's shortcode in HTML attributes was not working when called through post template
  • Image Carousel - Lightbox was not working on some duplicate images in the loop
  • Instagram Feed - Square layout issue in Chrome browser in some cases
  • Sliding Menu - Submenu height issue when the module is used in the Advanced Accordion
  • Content Tiles - Fallback Image option was getting reversed to "Placeholder" after save


  • Login Form - Added filter hook pp_login_form_from_email
  • Login Form - Added filter hook pp_login_form_reply_to_email