Change Logs

Check out what's new with PowerPack Beaver Addons.

2.34.0 – November 22, 2023


  • Fluent Form - Added Beaver Themer field connection support for the form selection dropdown
  • Content Grid - Moved Exclude Current Post option from Layout tab to Content > Custom Query
  • Advanced Menu - Added vw as off-canvas additional width unit
  • Advanced Menu - Added aria-haspopup attribute to the parent menu item for accessibility
  • Table - Added new source - ACF Relationship
  • Countdown Timer - Added div and p as additional tags for the title
  • Modal Box - Added logic to auto-close the modal when page anchor is clicked in the modal content
  • Info Box - Added hover color option for the prefix text


  • Image Carousel - Allow two slides to display in coverflow effect
  • Image Carousel - Minor PHP warning
  • Filterable Gallery - PHP notice due to empty spacing field
  • Breadcrumbs - Bootstrap default CSS was getting applied to Yoast breadcrumbs from BB theme
  • Social Icons - Twitter X icon size issue
    Info List - List spacing was not working properly for small screen
  • Info List - Padding was not working in some cases
  • Instagram Feed - Square shape issue in some cases
  • Testimonial Slider - Removed role attribute from the button element to prevent accessibility error
  • Content Grid - Post height issue on small breakpoint when cg-button-equal-align class is used
  • Content Grid Carousel - Removed role attribute from the button element to prevent accessibility error
  • Content Grid Carousel - Modal Box was unable to load content because of missing attribute
  • Advanced Accordion - Title color was not working when choosing heading tag for the accordion title/label
  • Advanced Menu - Alignment issue in some cases
  • Off-Canvas Content - Size issue when revealing from bottom
  • Animated Headlines - Removed default font size to respect font size from Customizer
  • Table - Content translation issue with WPML
  • Photo Gallery - Extra space on right edge of the window when no spacing is provided due to 0.1 pixel rounding
  • Smart Button - Sub Text field value was not translatable with WPML
  • $.cookie not defined error
  • Enabled SSL verification in plugin updater to prevent SSL related message in the backend


  • Advanced Menu - Added filter hook pp_advanced_menu_nav_render_schema_attrs

2.33.2 – October 5, 2023


  • Content Grid - Added screen reader text for the post read-more button to improve accessibility
  • Breadcrumbs - Added <nav> wrapper element for Yoast breadcrumbs to improve accessibility
  • FAQ - Added keyboard navigation support


  • Gravity Forms - Radio/Checkbox label font-weight was not working when font-family is set to default
  • Content Grid - Carousel responsive column issue
  • Content Grid - Post title was overlapping other content in Style 4
  • Dot/One Page Nav - Dot was showing when the row is hidden
  • Team - PHP error with PHP version 8.1.x


  • Off-Canvas Content - Added hook pp_offcanvas_body_inner_wrap to disable wrapping body HTML when needed

2.33.1 – September 13, 2023


  • Social Icons & Social Share - Updated Twitter icon to X


  • Advanced Accordion - Item label text alignment was not working after the recent update
  • Info Box - Text hover colors were not working on hovering over the box when link type is set to None
  • Registration Form - Disable administrator role selection in the module settings for security reasons
  • Registration Form - Disable any other role selection in the module settings for the contributor user for security reasons

2.33.0 – August 31, 2023


  • Advanced Tabs - Added shortcode support for Default Active Tab Index field
  • Info Box - Added an option to stack icon and text on the given breakpoint
  • Testimonials - Added support for large breakpoint for columns
  • Testimonials - Enabled responsive controls for navigation Arrow Size and Arrow Spacing options
  • Modal Box - Added an option to reset the cookie for Auto Load and Exit Intent when module setting is changed
  • Off-Canvas Content - Added default CSS based close icon
  • Content Grid - Added large breakpoint option for post columns
  • Advanced Accordion - Added options to display item title and content from post custom field through Beaver Themer's field connections
  • FAQ - Added options to display item title and content from post custom field through Beaver Themer's field connections
  • Restaurant Menu - Converted item description field to multiline textarea
  • Restaurant Menu - Added typography options for item price unit
  • Added support for global colors connection introduced in BB 2.8-dev.x


  • Card Slider - Pagination was not showing in some cases
  • Content Grid - Filtering was throwing JS error with infinite scroll pagination
  • Content Grid - Minor PHP warning
  • Category Grid - Description margin was not working
  • Restaurant Menu - Lightbox was not working in some cases
  • Devices - JS error in some cases
  • Photo Gallery - When there is a single row of photos, enabling last row hide option was hiding the gallery in justified layout
  • Video - Removed extra opening <g> tag for SVG play button
  • Video - Aspect ratio issue with too wide inline self hosted video
  • Testimonials - Removed field connections for testimonial items since they do not work as expected in the repeater
  • Animated Headline - Plus (+) character was not getting rendered
  • Advanced Accordion - When choosing Post as source and using classic editor, the first item content doesn't render <p> tags
  • Modal Box - When closing the modal through keyboard tab navigation, the focus shifts to the first anchor tag in the body instead of the previously focused element
  • Info Box - Inherit column equal height option was overriding module's visibility rules CSS
  • Column separator - Minor PHP warning
  • Rendering issue on mobile in multiple slider modules after enabling responsive reverse for BB column


  • Category Grid - Added filter hook pp_category_term_link
  • Testimonials - Added filter hook pp_testimonial_items
  • Testimonials - Added filter hook pp_testimonial_layout_path
  • Social Share - Added filter hook pp_social_share_current_url

2.32.3 – July 26, 2023


  • Added logic to auto purge Beaver Builder cache after updating the plugin
  • Render CSS inline for saved template used in various Advanced Tabs, Accordion, Modal Box, Off-Canvas modules


  • Content Grid - Posts were getting appended on changing filters in some cases
  • Content Grid - Post spacing issue when values are not provided for other breakpoints


  • Registration Form - Added hook pp_rf_before_user_register to perform additional validation

2.32.2 – July 21, 2023


  • Content Grid - Load More and Scroll pagination replacing existing posts in the wrapper instead of appending
  • Content Grid - Convert "%" spacing unit to "px" for CSS grid layout

2.32.1 – July 13, 2023


  • Content Grid - Layout issue after the recent update in some cases
  • Hover Cards 2 - Content alignment issue in Style 0

2.32.0 – July 13, 2023


  • Content Grid - Use CSS grid property for the layout when equal height is enabled and filter type is dynamic. Please note that you must use "px" unit for post column spacing for CSS grid to work properly.
  • Dual Buttons - Enabled responsive options for the Width field
  • Card Slider - Added lightbox feature for images
  • Card Slider - Added preview text for card items in the module settings
  • Facebook Comments - Added % as an additional width unit
  • Filterable Gallery - Moved caption HTML to the relative parent container
  • Hover Cards 2 - Added an option to set the equal height that matches the tallest item in a row
  • Video Gallery Carousel - Added centered slides option


  • Category Grid - Number of columns and spacing were not working for the large breakpoint
  • Restaurant Menu - Avoid rendering anchor tag if there is no link or lightbox enabled
  • Dual Buttons - WPML translation was not working for Link and Attribute text fields
  • Logo Slider - Arrow border style was not working in some cases
  • Modal Box - Button icon was not getting rendered
  • Announcement Bar - Trigger JavaScript only for visible module
  • Image Carousel - Rendering issue on mobile after enabling equal height for BB column
  • Testimonial Slider - Rendering issue on mobile after enabling equal height for BB column
  • Video Gallery Carousel - Rendering issue on mobile after enabling equal height for BB column
  • Content Grid Carousel - Rendering issue on mobile after enabling equal height for BB column
  • Line Separator - Overlapping issue due to high z-index
  • Card Slider - Single pagination was changing slides in all card slider instances on the page
  • Hover Cards 2 - Minor CSS fixes
  • Removed "lessc" PHP library Beaver Themer dependency


  • Added filter hook pp_wpml_translation_config

2.32.0 – July 13, 2023


  • Content Grid - Use CSS grid property for the layout when equal height is enabled and filter type is dynamic. Please note that you must use "px" unit for post column spacing for CSS grid to work properly.
  • Dual Buttons - Enabled responsive options for the Width field
  • Card Slider - Added lightbox feature for images
  • Card Slider - Added preview text for card items in the module settings
  • Facebook Comments - Added % as an additional width unit
  • Filterable Gallery - Moved caption HTML to the relative parent container
  • Hover Cards 2 - Added an option to set the equal height that matches the tallest item in a row
  • Video Gallery Carousel - Added centered slides option


  • Category Grid - Number of columns and spacing were not working for the large breakpoint
  • Restaurant Menu - Avoid rendering anchor tag if there is no link or lightbox enabled
  • Dual Buttons - WPML translation was not working for Link and Attribute text fields
  • Logo Slider - Arrow border style was not working in some cases
  • Modal Box - Button icon was not getting rendered
  • Announcement Bar - Trigger JavaScript only for visible module
  • Image Carousel - Rendering issue on mobile after enabling equal height for BB column
  • Testimonial Slider - Rendering issue on mobile after enabling equal height for BB column
  • Video Gallery Carousel - Rendering issue on mobile after enabling equal height for BB column
  • Content Grid Carousel - Rendering issue on mobile after enabling equal height for BB column
  • Line Separator - Overlapping issue due to high z-index
  • Card Slider - Single pagination was changing slides in all card slider instances on the page
  • Hover Cards 2 - Minor CSS fixes
  • Removed "lessc" PHP library Beaver Themer dependency


  • Added filter hook pp_wpml_translation_config

2.31.2 – June 1, 2023


  • Image Carousel - Background image will render as <img> tag with object-fit property for accessibility and SEO


  • Instagram Feed - Feed was not loading as Instagram removed likes and comments count parameters from its API
  • Devices - JavaScript error when Type is set to Image instead of Video
  • Info Box - Inherit column equal height feature was not working in some cases
  • Video Gallery - Responsive columns spacing issue
  • Pullquote - Icon rendering issue on frontend
  • Advanced Tabs - Description field was not WPML translatable
  • Hover Cards 2 - Content vertical alignment issue in Safari browser
  • Hover Cards 2 - Image fit issues
  • Content Grid - pp_cg_post_permalink filter was not getting applied to the post image