Change Logs

Check out what's new with PowerPack Beaver Addons.

1.1.6 – September 23, 2016


  • Icon/Number List module


  • Added WooCommerce support in Content Grid module
  • Added EDD support in Content Grid module
  • Added total posts feature in Content Grid module
  • Added pp_cg_placeholder_img filter to change placeholder image in Content Grid module
  • Added pp_cg_content_limit_more filter to append 'more' to description in Content Grid module
  • Revamped admin settings for better control over templates and modules
  • Added equal height toggle in Logo Grid & Carousel module
  • Added border options for close button in Modal Box module
  • Replaced textarea to WYSWIG editor in Team module


  • Warning in WPForms module when no forms created in backend
  • License activation issue on fresh WP install
  • Included FontAwesome CSS in Social Icons module
  • Content overlap on Modal Box when using background overlay in column settings
  • White Label settings for Row Templates shortcut in panel

1.1.5 – September 2, 2016


  • Row Templates
  • Page Templates
  • Advanced Accordion Module
  • Advanced Tabs Module
  • Team Module
  • Subscribe Form Module
  • Social Icon Module
  • Spacer Module


  • Big Triangle Right Top - Row Separator
  • Image select option for Testimonials module
  • Content cut off issue in Modal Box module