Change Logs

Check out what's new with PowerPack Beaver Addons.

1.2.2 – January 24, 2017


  • Added schema markup in Business Hours module
  • Changed sequence of tab IDs in Advanced Tabs module to start from 1
  • Added a field to input custom prefix for tab IDs attribute in Advanced Tabs module
  • Added a field in Content Grid module to control vertical spacing of pagination
  • Testimonials Module won't create slider while having only one testimonial
  • Removed default font sizes from InfoBox module to retain theme's style
  • Removed default typography values from Gravity Forms module to retain theme's style
  • Removed default text color values from WPForms module to retain theme's style
  • Removed default text color values from Ninja Forms module to retain theme's style
  • Removed default text color, input border color, typography values from Contact Form 7 module to retain theme's style

Bug Fixes

  • Image animation on page scroll in Smart Banner module
  • Ninja Forms submit button styling bug
  • Minor issues of Modal Box module
  • Minor styling issues of Advanced Tabs module
  • Exit Intent popup reappear issue when cookie duration is set in Subscribe Form module
  • Image width issue in Testimonial module on small device
  • Equal height issue of posts when displaying Content Grid in Advanced Tab module via shortcode
  • Hover Cards 2 responsive size issue
  • PHP warnings in Contact Form submit button when using Beaver Builder Lite

1.2.1 – December 23, 2016


  • Added Pricing Table module
  • Added Business Hours module
  • Added Hover Cards 2 module with smooth transitions and minimal options


  • Restructured InfoBox module
  • Added pp_cg_before_post_content and pp_cg_after_post_content hooks in Content Grid module
  • Smart Banner animations will work on page scroll

Bug Fixes

  • PowerPack wasn't working with Beaver Builder Lite due to plugin activation order
  • Some CSS issues of input fields in Gravity Forms module
  • Content Grid pagination issue on front page – December 7, 2016


  • Added a toggle to choose between default or custom font size for description in Smart Heading module
  • Added a field to expand custom item by default in Advanced Accordion module
  • Added an ability to fetch the first image from the post content where the post image isn't available in Content Grid module

Bug Fixes

  • Template data issue due to server permission
  • Row Templates greyscale mode switch issue in backend
  • Row Templates thumbnails missing in the panel on frontend when switching the mode in backend
  • Fancy Heading module rotate animation
  • Accordion item jumping issue due to toggle icon
  • Content Grid pagination issue
  • Extra padding issue in Gravity Form module
  • Content Tiles posts changes while paginating other grid of posts
  • PHP notice in Announcement Bar module
  • PHP notice in Dual Button module
  • PHP notice in Restaurant / Services Menu module

1.2.0 – November 23, 2016


  • Page Templates
  • Restaurant / Services Menu module
  • Fancy Heading module
  • Module override using theme
  • Italian language translations
  • Fully dynamic Template Library in backend


  • Extended white label settings in backend
  • Added Fixed at Bottom feature to Subscribe Form
  • Added On-Scroll Slide-In feature to Subscribe Form
  • Added On-Scroll Popup feature to Subscribe Form module
  • Added Exit-Intent Popup feature to Subscribe Form module
  • Added Auto-Load Popup feature to Subscribe Form module
  • Added Two-Step Popup feature to Subscribe Form module
  • Added Welcome Gate feature to Subscribe Form module
  • Added Gradient Overlay option in row settings
  • Added tab index field to set default active tab in Advanced Tabs module
  • Restructured Smart Banner module
  • Added Background Position option for image in Smart Banner module
  • Added Link Type to choose between button and entire banner in Smart Banner module
  • Added image size option in Testimonials module

Bug Fixes

  • Missing translatable strings in some modules
  • Tap hover issue of Hover Cards module in iOS Safari
  • InfoBox image icon size
  • Background color of secondary heading in Smart Heading module
  • Clutter while switching tabs in Advanced Tabs module
  • Extra spacing of description in Smart Heading module
  • Modal Box module executing WP_Query in backend

1.1.8 – October 24, 2016


  • Added alt tag in Logo Grid module
  • Added color hover options for Title and Description in Info Box module

Bug Fixes

  • Feature Image loading issue in Content Grid module when orderby is set to random
  • Isotope error when not using Content Grid module in Advanced Tabs
  • Image height issue in Info Box module
  • Alignment issue in Icon List module
  • Down Arrow offset issue in row settings
  • Embedded video resize issue in Modal Box module
  • Announcement Bar visibility issue set in advance settings
  • Row Template Conflicts with UABB plugin

1.1.7 – October 11, 2016


  • Content Tiles module


  • Added autoplay support for YouTube and Vimeo videos in Modal Box module
  • Added custom CSS class fields in Dual Button module
  • Added dual heading options in Smart Heading module to crate dual color or dual font/weight heading titles
  • Added line-height option in Info Box module
  • Added line-height option in Icon / Number List module
  • Added HTML tag option in Info Box module
  • Added HTML tag option in Hover Cards module
  • Added Box Size and Round Corners options in Social Icon module
  • Added Direction (vertical, horizontal) option in Social Icon module
  • Added conditions to check if WooCommerce or EDD plugins are active to prevent any errors in Content Grid module
  • Added a logic to show frontend filters based on post filter in Content Grid module
  • Added CSS ID to link specific tab or accordion item in Advanced Tabs and Advanced Accordion module
  • Changed Preview button styling

Bug Fixes

  • PHP warning in Image module
  • PHP warning in Dual Button module CSS
  • Logo Grid cutoff issue in IE
  • Image crop issue in Team module
  • Icon List content float issue
  • Announcement Bar module responsive issue
  • Modal Box module responsive position issue
  • Content Grid masonry issue when displaying the module using shortcode in Advanced Tabs module

1.1.6 – September 23, 2016


  • Icon/Number List module


  • Added WooCommerce support in Content Grid module
  • Added EDD support in Content Grid module
  • Added total posts feature in Content Grid module
  • Added pp_cg_placeholder_img filter to change placeholder image in Content Grid module
  • Added pp_cg_content_limit_more filter to append 'more' to description in Content Grid module
  • Revamped admin settings for better control over templates and modules
  • Added equal height toggle in Logo Grid & Carousel module
  • Added border options for close button in Modal Box module
  • Replaced textarea to WYSWIG editor in Team module


  • Warning in WPForms module when no forms created in backend
  • License activation issue on fresh WP install
  • Included FontAwesome CSS in Social Icons module
  • Content overlap on Modal Box when using background overlay in column settings
  • White Label settings for Row Templates shortcut in panel

1.1.5 – September 2, 2016


  • Row Templates
  • Page Templates
  • Advanced Accordion Module
  • Advanced Tabs Module
  • Team Module
  • Subscribe Form Module
  • Social Icon Module
  • Spacer Module


  • Big Triangle Right Top - Row Separator
  • Image select option for Testimonials module
  • Content cut off issue in Modal Box module