Change Logs

Check out what's new with PowerPack Beaver Addons.

1.6.1 – November 17, 2017

Bug Fixes

  • Font Size and Line Height were not working for responsive devices in Animated Headlines module.
  • PHP error in panel functions that was breaking BB 2.0 settings
  • Fix Hover Cards 2 images were resized after updating to 1.6.0


  • Added Image Maximum Width field in Hover Cards 2 module to adjust image size manually.

1.6.0 – November 15, 2017


Bug Fixes

  • Filterable Gallery filter issues due to special characters in labels


  • Added alt tag for images in Testimonial module
  • Added responsive toggle for filters in Filterable Gallery module
  • Added Custom Icon option to icon drop-down field in Social Icons module
  • Added Custom Photo Size option in Image module
  • Added Hover Overlay Margin option in Image module
  • Added Minimum and Maximum height/width options in Hover Cards 2 module – November 10, 2017

Bug Fixes

  • Fatal error with Beaver Builder 2.0 on some servers


  • Custom Labels will also work for placeholders in Contact Form module

1.5.1 – November 9, 2017

Bug Fixes

  • Content Grid equal height issue in SafariSpacing issues in Icon / Number List module
  • Caption was appearing twice in Filterable Gallery module
  • Subscribe Form settings were not loading in Beaver Builder 2.0

1.5.0 – November 7, 2017


  • WPML compatibility for all modules.


  • Added default state option in row expandable settings
  • Added content Type (content, photo, video, saved templates) option in Advanced Accordion module
  • Added content Type (content, photo, video, saved templates) option in Advanced Tabs module
  • Added pp_advanced_menu_icon filter hook to change hamburger icon in Advanced Menu module
  • Added option to enable or disable background image hover zoom effect in Smart Banner module
  • Added inline and stacked style option for dual heading in Smart Heading module
  • Added custom height option in FlipBox module
  • Added alpha option for background color in FlipBox module
  • Added alpha option for text and background color in Smart Headings module
  • Added custom button option for WooCommerce and EDD products in Content Grid module
  • Added padding options for description in Smart Banner module

Bug Fixes

  • Filter class was not rendering properly in Filterable Gallery module
    JS error in Custom Grid module
  • Spacing issues in Icon / Number List module
  • Subscribe Form was not working when type is set to Fixed at Bottom
  • Icon alignment and default background color in Announcement Bar module
  • Input height preview was not working in Gravity Forms module
  • PHP notice in Hover Cards 2 module
  • Transitions in Smart Button module
  • Changed Between Heading & Sub-Heading separator position label to Below Heading in Smart Headings module
  • Changed Below Sub-Heading separator position label to Below Description in Smart Headings module
  • White Label settings were not working for module group label
  • Equal Height issue when using post filters in Content Grid module – October 05, 2017


  • Added lightbox overlay color option in Photo Gallery module

Bug Fixes

  • Smart Button text color reversed in hover and visited state
  • Modal Box scrolling issue in iOS Safari
  • Mega menu cut off issue in Advanced Menu module – October 02, 2017

Bug Fixes

  • Fix PHP Notice in Photo Gallery module
  • Lightbox issue in Filterable Gallery's Grid style

1.4.0 – September 29, 2017



  • Added Radio & Checkbox input styling options in Gravity Forms module
  • Added column classes in Contact Form 7 module
  • Added mega menu support in Advanced Menu module
  • Added field to change label for "All" in Filterable Gallery module
  • Added left/right direction for Half Overlay in Row settings
  • Added box as link type in FlipBox module

Bug Fixes

  • Floating Subscribe Form cut off issue on small devices
  • Smart Heading description responsive font sizes were not working
  • Active link color was not working for sub-menu and toggle arrows in Advanced Menu module
  • Row Separators top/bottom margins
  • Alt tag was missing for image icon in Highlight Box module
  • Horizontal & Vertical drop shadow was in reverse order in Smart Button module
  • Image size in InfoBox layout-3 and layout-4
  • Smart Button transition effects
  • Lightbox was also loading the images from hidden gallery items when filter is active in Filterable Gallery module

1.3.2 – September 1, 2017


  • Added Email field in Team module
  • Added Border options for button in Info Box module
  • Added Full Width option for Button in Info Box module
  • Scroll position will revert to the link while using Modal Box URL trigger

Bug Fixes

  • Contact Form was not working on some server
  • Button transition wasn't working in Subscribe Form module
  • Content Grid pagination issue
  • FlipBox height issue in Safari
  • Templates were not loading in backend when using custom directory for uploads
  • Video was playing in the background in FireFox when closing Modal Box
  • Smart Heading module sub-heading styling was not working on 'p' element in some cases
  • Info Box image size issue

1.3.1 – August 17, 2017


  • Added a new Row Separator Style - Water
  • Added Hide on Mobile field for Down Arrow in row settings
  • Added animation option for Down Arrow in row settings
  • Added subject field to enter default subject in Contact Form module
  • Added custom label fields in Contact Form module
  • Added PowerPack as prefix to modules settings form heading to distinguish from other add-ons
  • Added typography settings for submenu in Advanced Menu module
  • Added WordPress URL field in Team module
  • Added border options in Social Icons module


  • Added custom CSS class field for button in InfoBox module
  • Added shortcode support in button field of Pricing Table module
  • Added custom width option for button in InfoBox module
  • Removed unnecessary HTML tag option from typography settings in Advanced Menu module

Bug Fixes

  • Default margin issue in Advanced Menu full screen overlay
  • Posts filters were not working properly when excluding some taxonomies in Content Grid module
  • Row Templates mode wasn't working properly in multisite network
  • Contact Form Reply-To headers incorrectly set
  • Content Grid scroll pagination issue
  • Minor CSS issues in Business Hours module