Change Logs

Check out what's new with PowerPack Beaver Addons.

2.5.2 – April 11, 2018


  • Photo Gallery - Upgraded to Fancybox v3
  • Smart Heading - Added Text Shadow option for Title
  • Smart Heading - Added Gradient Color option for Title
  • Image Carousel - Added alpha channel for Arrow background color field
  • Facebook Page - Added option for width
  • Facebook Comments - Added option for width
  • Subscribe Form - Added option to display a checkbox for GDPR compliance
  • Contact Form - Added option to display a checkbox for GDPR compliance
  • Restaurant Menu - Added field connections for Price & Unit fields
  • Info Box - Added hook pp_infobox_layout_path for custom layout


  • Content Grid - Missing first post when used with Beaver Themer for Archive Layouts
  • Info Box - Icon alignment issue
  • Image Carousel - Large thumbnail image sizes
  • Image Carousel - Extra padding when pagination is disabled
  • Modal Box - Empty width field causing JS error
  • Content Tiles - Broken HTML markup when the number of posts on the front end was less than the number of posts in tile layout
  • Content Tiles - PHP notice due to new image size options
  • 3D Slider - Magnific Popup CSS conflict with other plugins using MFP
  • Filterable Gallery - Magnific Popup CSS conflict with other plugins using MFP
  • Smart Button - Responsive typography settings
  • Facebook Modules - SDK error
  • Facebook Embed - PHP notice due to undefined variable
  • Restaurant Menu - Incorrect positioning of the module when Page Builder was active
  • Filterable Gallery - Filter via URL not working with some caching plugins
  • Smart Headings - Use responsive breakpoints from BB settings
  • Smart Banner - Animation not working on mobile devices
  • Advanced Tabs - Label styling issues
  • PHP Error when using "Add New" option for Saved Modules in Builder admin
  • Templates Library was not working sometimes due to server configuration

2.5.1 – March 22, 2018


  • Hover Cards - Added options for Title & Description Hover colors
  • Advanced Accordion - Added functionality to allow on-page links to open an Accordion element
  • Advanced Tabs - Added functionality to allow on-page links to open a Tab.
  • Content Grid - Added support for ACF Relationship fields.
  • Filterable Gallery - Added support for activating the filters via URL.

2.5.0 – March 22, 2018


  • Facebook Page Feed module
  • Facebook Comments module
  • Facebook Embed module
  • Facebook Button module


  • Instagram Feed - Added Feed by Hashtag option
  • Instagram Feed - Added field connections
  • Instagram Feed - Added grid (Masonry and Square) layout options
  • Content Grid - Filter will now also works with URL parameter, for eg.
  • Content Grid - Added box border position option (top, left, bottom, right)
  • Content Grid - Added option to upload or hide custom fallback image if feature image is not present in the post
  • Content Tiles - Added image size options for large and small tiles
  • 3D Slider - Added lightbox functionality
  • Advanced Menu - Added alpha property to sub-menu background color fields
  • Advanced Menu - Off-canvas menu will be closable now on link click when using it on a one-page website
  • Hover Cards 2 - Added field connection to the background image
  • Pricing Table - Added dual pricing options

Bug Fixes

  • Advanced Menu - Submenu alignment issue when a custom width is set
  • Image Carousel - Removed incorrect counter from lightbox popup
  • Content Grid - Fixed equal height issue when filtering the posts using dynamic (AJAX) filters
  • Content Grid - Fixed infinite scroll was not working when using dynamic (AJAX) filters
  • Smart Headings - "none" value was set in the text-transform field by default introduced in 2.4.0
  • Social Icons - CSS conflicts with WPBF theme – March 5, 2018

Bug Fixes

  • Hover Cards 2 link was not working after updating the plugin to 2.4.0

2.4.0 – March 1, 2018



  • Smart Headings - Added text transform option
  • Smart Headings - Added alpha option for transparent headings
  • Post Timeline - Added HTML tag option for titles
  • Advanced Accordion - Added Custom ID Prefix field to open accordion item by URL
  • Subscribe Form - Added a field to output footer text/links
  • Hover Cards 2 - Added background hover color option
  • Filterable Gallery - Added responsive filter toggle styling options
  • Advanced Menu - Added submenu min-width option
  • Added an option in White Label settings to remove link from license key description
  • Added plugin admin label as suffix in module category name to avoid mixing in the same categories used by other developers

Bug Fixes

  • Content Grid - query reset issue when using dynamic filters and posts were restricted to specific category/tags
  • Content Grid - title font was not working due to CSS was being overridden by theme
  • Testimonials - JS issue due to empty slide width field
  • Custom Grid - Pagination color style was not working
  • Smart Banners - Title was visible before animation
  • Advanced Accordion - double tap was required to open the first accordion item in responsive devices
  • Logo Grid & Carousel - alt tags were missing when logo title is not provided
  • Logo Grid & Carousel - IE issue
  • Team Member - broken layout issue
  • Hover Cards 2 - iOS Safari issue
  • Info List - Icon styling was being overridden by theme or another CSS
  • Subscribe Form - border issue in responsive mode
  • Smart Button - responsive font size and line height issue
  • Dual Button - responsive font size and line height issue
  • Pricing Table - responsive font size and line height issue
  • Advanced Tabs - responsive font size and line height issue
  • Hover Cards 2 - responsive font size and line height issue
  • Business Hours - responsive font size and line height issue
  • Content Tiles - responsive font size and line height issue
  • Table - responsive font size and line height issue
  • Ninja Forms - responsive font size and line height issue
  • Removed extra customizer presets – January 30, 2018

Bug Fixes

  • CSS error in Ninja Forms module that was breaking website layout

2.3.1 – January 18, 2018


  • Added an option to select large or full-size image for lightbox in Gallery Modules
  • Added an option to set number of Posts in Post Timeline module

Bug Fixes

  • White Label settings not working for Post Timeline module
  • Modal Box was rendering repeatedly with exit intent settings while editing the page in builder
  • Row text color setting was overriding Modal Box button color
  • Content Gird filters, column spacing, and carousel were not working in IE due to JS error
  • Dynamic (AJAX) filters were not working for Tags in Content Grid module
  • "Filter Type" field was visible incorrectly in Content Grid module.
  • Masonry re-layout issue in Content Grid module
  • Right spacing issue in Hover Cards 2
  • CSS Class field was not showing in Subscribe Forms module settings
  • Disabled WP Rocket's Lazy Load for images in Content Grid, Logo Grid & Carousel, Gallery, and Filterable Gallery modules
  • Declared jQuery dependency in Table module JS
  • Border-radius was not working properly in Hover Cards 2 module
  • PowerPack was not working when Beaver Builder plugin had a different name than the default bb-plugin.
  • Styling issues in Ninja Forms due to outdated CSS classes
  • Minor CSS issues in Testimonials module
  • Field connection was not working for Modal Box button
  • JS error due to empty custom breakpoint field in Advanced Menu module

2.3.0 – December 30, 2017



  • Added AJAX filter option in Content Grid module
  • Added custom link target option in 3D Slider module
  • Added field connections in Animated Headline module
  • Added Submenu spacing option in Advanced Menu module
  • Added submenu container background color option in Advanced Menu module
  • Added field onnections for button in Modal Box module
  • Added day range selection option in Business Hours module
  • Added file upload input styling options in Gravity Forms and Caldera Forms module
  • Added reCAPTCHA settings in Contact Form module
  • Added option to collapse items by default on responsive devices in
  • Advanced Accordion module
    Entire block will now be clickable instead of logo image in Logo Grid & Carousel module
  • Removed mode selection from row templates admin screen

Bug Fixes

  • Hover Cards were not showing on responsive devices when background type is set to color in Hover Cards 2 module
  • Responsive issue in Advanced Menu module when type is set to Default
  • Parent menu toggle icon was being reversed on collapsing its submenu in Advanced Menu module
  • Minor CSS issue in Formidable Forms module
  • Added option to remove icon in Timeline module
  • Schema markup in Business Hours module
  • Parent link hover colors was not working when hovering its submenu in Advanced Menu module
  • Title and content rendering issue due to CSS classes were being updated in Ninja Forms core plugin
  • Z-index issue of off-canvas menu in Advanced Menu module
  • Equal Height was not working sometimes for carousel layout in Content Grid module
  • Live preview was not working for description typography fields in Smart Heading module
  • JS error in Filterable Gallery module
  • PHP warning in CSS of Image Carousel module – November 30, 2017

Bug Fixes

  • z-index issue in Formidable Forms module
  • Field connection in Gallery module to work with multiple photos

2.2.0 – November 29, 2017


Version bumped up to 2.x for ongoing updates and fixes.
Completely compatible with Beaver Builder 1.x and 2.x versions.


Bug Fixes

  • Hover Cards 2 opacity issue
  • Stacked heading style was not working in Smart Headings module
  • Equal height was not working when using filters in Content Grid module


  • Added justified gallery option in Photo Gallery
  • Added a field to toggle animation loop for Highlighted effects in Animated Headlines module
  • Added links to taxonomy terms in Content Grid module
  • Added Link No Follow option in Smart Button module
  • Added Link No Follow option in Dual Button module
  • Added margin-bottom option for sections in Gravity Forms module
  • Added typography options for section labels in Gravity Forms module
  • Added toggle to enable/disable heading link in Smart Headings module
  • Added responsive filter ddrop-downoption in Content Grid module