Change Logs

Check out what's new with PowerPack Beaver Addons. – May 17, 2019


  • Search Form - Added separate option for Toggle Size and Input Height for full screen layout
  • Gravity Forms - Added button Custom Width option
  • Maintenance Mode - Added compatibility for Astra theme
  • Maintenance Mode - Added hook pp_maintenance_mode_before_render to trigger custom actions before rendering maintenance page


  • Advanced Menu - Submenu link background and background hover color was not working in off-canvas menu
  • Instagram Feed - Grayscale effect was not working properly
  • Content Grid - PHP warning on pagination due to empty offset value
  • Image Carousel - Module stopped working in Advanced Tabs module after last update of PowerPack

2.7.0 – May 14, 2019



  • Table - Added CSV import feature
  • Content Grid - Added CSS classes on post terms elements
  • Image Carousel - Added support for BB's Tabs module


  • Advanced Accordion - Content was rendering without line breaks when using field connection
  • Hover Cards - Renamed clearfix class to prevent theme overrides
  • Hover Cards 2 - Renamed clearfix class to prevent theme overrides
  • Image - Removed default caption overlay background color
  • Content Grid - Carousel breakpoints were different than set in global settings
  • Smart Button - Forced background hover color to transparent if it is empty
  • Content Tiles - Some typography settings were not applying on the title
  • Logos Grid & Carousel - Grid layout was not appearing properly in Safari browser
  • Core - Added condition to prevent Modernizer JS conflicts
  • Core - Responsive unit field was not retaining value

2.6.10 – May 1, 2019



  • Logos Grid & Carousel - Added responsive options for Number of Items field
  • Image Panels - Added lightbox option as link type
  • Image Carousel - Added option to position slideshow thumbnail above or below
  • Info Box - Added new layout option "Icon below Title"
  • Image - Added container border hover color option
  • Restaurant/Services Menu - Added tabindex option for menu items
  • Content Grid - Added "Custom" as option to display custom content from post meta by field connection or shortcode


  • Custom Grid - Post terms alignment related issue
  • Content Grid - Carousel overflow box shadow cut-off issue
  • Content Grid - Spacing was not working for Style-9 in carousel mode
  • Table - PHP notice in CSS
  • Advance Tabs - PHP notice in CSS
  • Logos Grid & Carousel - PHP notice in CSS
  • Hover Cards - Height field was not retaining values for medium and responsive breakpoint
  • Advanced Menu - Off-canvas menu sluggish scroll issue in iOS
  • Fancy Headings - Text clip was not working in Firefox browser
  • Filterable Gallery - Added missing field connections – April 18, 2019


  • Photo Gallery - Added scroll pagination option


  • Smart Banner - Responsive font size issue
  • Advanced Tabs - Added support for Image Carousel module
  • Logos Grid & Carousel - Padding and alignment issue after recent update of PowerPack – April 8, 2019


  • Social Icons - Added link nofollow option and rel="noopener" attribute for _blank target
  • Image - Added link nofollow option and rel="noopener" attribute for _blank target
  • Advanced Tabs - Added accessibility attributes
  • Gravity Forms Styler - Added responsive options for button padding fields
  • Advanced Tabs - Added option to change tab icon color


  • Logos Grid & Carousel - Number of Columns option was not working as expected
  • Content Grid - Scroll pagination was not working in respect of active filter
  • Content Grid - Load More pagination was not working as expected when having multiple module instances on the same page
  • Table - PHP warnings in CSS
  • Advanced Tabs - Tabs title alignment was not working in typography setting
  • Filterable Gallery - Filter by URL hash was not working
  • InfoBox - Icon vertical alignment option was not working
  • Row Extensions - Row Extensions were showing in row settings despite being unchecked in PowerPack admin settings
  • Core - FontAwesome icons were not working after BB's latest update – March 22, 2019


  • Content Grid - Featured image was not loading after updating to – March 22, 2019


  • Content Tiles - Web accessibility issue due to an empty link
  • Content Grid - User added content was not showing on filtering the grid using AJAX filters in modules overridden by the theme
  • Image Carousel - Images were not loading due to spaces in the image file name
  • Dual Button - Button hover transparent background issue – March 14, 2019


  • Filterable Gallery - Overlay background color field was not showing
  • Instagram Feed - Responsive center alignment issue
  • Timeline - Icon color was not working
  • Logos Grid & Columns - Medium and responsive columns setting was not working
  • Gravity Forms - Database query when fetching forms list
  • Hover Cards 2 - Medium and responsive columns setting was not working properly
  • Modal Box - Increased width field maximum slider input value – March 4, 2019


  • Info Box - Icon border was not working in some cases after updating PowerPack to 2.6.9
  • Logos & Carousel - Number of Columns setting was not working for desktop after updating PowerPack to 2.6.9
  • Smart Button - Padding was not working after updating PowerPack to 2.6.9
  • Contact Form 7 - Button border and background hover color was not working after updating PowerPack to 2.6.9
  • Advanced Menu - Multiple full screen menu overlap issue
  • Social Icons - Re-added Custom Title option that was somehow removed in previous update
  • Image Panels - Images sliding down to the second row on hover – February 22, 2019


  • Contact Form - Added hooks pp_contact_form_before_sendpp_contact_form_after_send
  • Contact Form - Added shortcode support for Subject and Email field


  • Subscribe Form - Button border hover color was not working after updating PowerPack to 2.6.9
  • Advanced Accordion - Incorrect content background color value after updating PowerPack to 2.6.9
  • Info Box - Icon border hover color was not working after updating PowerPack to 2.6.9
  • Contact Form - Form submission fails when message field is set to be hidden
  • WPForms - Button text color was not working
  • Core - PowerPack's UI panel icons were not displaying correct color in dark mode
  • Core - Expandable Row duplicate instance issue