Change Logs

Check out what's new with PowerPack Beaver Addons. – March 27, 2020


  • Login Form - Redirect to same page caused the form to be shown again
  • Testimonials - Content disappears when there is only one testimonial
  • Testimonials - Equal height issue with slider

2.8.0 – March 25, 2020



  • Login Form - Social login integration
  • Login Form - reCAPTCHA integration
  • Category Grid - Added logic to show only children categories on taxonomy archive
  • Category Grid - Added option to hide or show category image
  • Category Grid - Added orderby ID option
  • Content Grid - Added RTL support for carousel
  • Content Grid - Added orderby option for ACF Relationship
  • Content Grid - Added option Content Alternate Layout to swap image and content in a row
  • Content Grid - Added support for Events Calendar - order, orderby, and show upcoming or past events
  • Social Share - Added option to hide text on responsive devices
  • Reviews - Added option to change header position
  • Info List - Added responsive options for icon position field
  • Testimonials - Added RTL support
  • Video - Added shortcode support for video link field
  • Maintenance Mode - Added IP Whitelist option
  • Added WPML support for Google Maps, Hotspot, HowTo, Registration Form, Reviews, Sitemap, Social Icons, Social Share, Video Gallery, and Login Form modules


  • Photo Gallery - JS error due to empty row height value
  • Content Grid - Image size was not working for Style 9
  • Content Grid - Image link was not working in some cases for style 9
  • Content Grid - Pods Relationship field was not working with AJAX pagination
  • Instagram Feed - Left padding issue
  • Advanced Menu - Submenu desktop width was getting applied on responsive devices too
  • Advanced Menu - Responsive issues
  • Google Map - Issue with multiple markup render
  • Google Map - Issue with conditional logic
  • Category Grid - Taxonomy field resets after saving module settings
  • Content Tiles - Page break when number of posts found is less than the posts to be displayed for a layout
  • Coupon - Special characters in coupon field lead to JS error
  • Fancy Heading - Text alignment was not working for tablet and mobile devices
  • Fancy Heading - Curved script fonts cropping out
  • Info List - Minor CSS and JS issues
  • Testimonials - Touch swipe was not working in iOS
  • FAQ - PHP warning when there is no taxonomy for a post type
  • Logos Grid - PHP notice
  • Fluent Forms - PHP notice
  • Maintenance Mode - was not working when using WPML


  • Search Form - Added hook pp_search_form_input_attrs to modify search input HTML attributes. Read document
  • Contact Form - Added hook pp_contact_form_from_email to modify email in From header
  • Contact Form - Added JS hooks pp_contact_form_after_submit and pp_contact_form_submit_success – February 11, 2020


  • Google Map - Added marker clustering option
  • Added WPML integration for Login and Registration Form modules


  • Google Map - CPT settings were not getting saved in module
  • Google Map - Restructured CPT fields
  • Logo Grid & Carousel - Empty slide margin field causes JS error
  • Content Grid - $settings object was not getting rebuilt via AJAX on some servers
  • Testimonials - Changed default layout to slider

2.7.11 – February 5, 2020



  • Maintenance Mode - Added option to include/exclude URLs
  • Reviews - Added Google and Yelp integrations
  • Login Form - Added inline validation messages
  • Login Form - Will no longer redirect to default WP login page in case of wrong password entered
  • Login Form - Added logic to reset password on the same page
  • Image Carousel - Added option to control loop and autoplay stop on last slide
  • Testimonials - Added responsive column option
  • Advanced Tabs - Added alpha channel for content background color
  • Device - Added option for auto-scroll images


  • Registration Form - Input full width issue
  • Registration Form - Removed default values of input height and padding
  • Content Grid - Undefined isotope JS variable when using carousel and expandable row on the same page
  • Content Grid - Carousel autoplay issue
  • Image Carousel - Prevented loading large thumbnail in slideshow if there is only one image
  • Social Share - Alignment field was not being shown sometimes
  • Search Form - Overlay color was not working
  • Search Form - Cursor position was showing at left when reopening form after a search
  • Video Gallery - Active color was not working for navigation dots
  • File Download - Custom width option was not working
  • Photo Gallery - nofollow attribute was being applied for _self target
  • Logo Grid & Carousel - Added missing nofollow attributes for _blank target
  • Timeline - Title color given for individual timeline items was not working
  • Reviews - Minor CSS issues – January 16, 2020


  • Logo Grid & Carousel - JS error due to incorrect PHP code format – January 16, 2020


  • Advanced Menu - Menu was stopped being displayed on desktop and medium devices after recent update

2.7.10 – January 15, 2020



  • Social Share - Added fallback image option for Pinterest if featured image is not available
  • Contact Form - Added logic to get reCAPTCHA API keys form PowerPack settings or keep it module-wise
  • Image Hotspot - Added close button on tooltip and logic to close on Esc key press
  • Fluent Forms - Added typography options for Radio & Checkbox fields
  • Star Rating - Added field connections to rating option
  • Video Gallery - Added Structure Data support


  • Advanced Menu - On mobile device menu temporary appears and again disappears within a second
  • Formidable Form - Success message color was not working
  • Logo Grid & Carousel - Empty slider width field causing PHP error
  • Social Share - Minor CSS issues – January 9, 2020


  • Fluent Form - Removed default button colors from module settings
  • Gravity Form - Removed default button colors from module settings
  • Modal Box - Button styling was not working after 2.7.9 update
  • Social Share - Row and Column styling was overriding module colors
  • Social Share - Re-arranged module setting fields
  • Social Share - Minor CSS issues

2.7.9 – January 8, 2020



  • Google Map - Added multiple markup support using custom post types and ACF
  • How-To - Added option to enable/disable Schema markup
  • Image Panels - Added option to selectively decolor/overlay inactive panel


  • Countdown Timer - Incorrect timing when set minutes and seconds only
  • Advanced Menu - Issue with scroll bar visibility toggling causing viewport to shake on Windows OS
  • Devices - Added missing field connections for image and video option
  • Timeline - Title color was not working sometimes
  • Modal Box - Updated button icon CSS targeting – December 26, 2019



  • File Download - Allowed manually enter file URL
  • File Download - Added WPML support
  • Content Grid - Added RTL support for grid


  • Content Grid - Added missing title attributes on post links