Change Logs

Check out what's new with PowerPack Beaver Addons.

2.13.4 – January 21, 2021


  • Content Grid - Custom layout object parsing issue on some servers

2.13.3 – January 21, 2021


  • Content Grid - Custom layout broke after 2.13.2 update

2.13.2 – January 20, 2021


  • Content Grid - Module was unable to fetch the remote image from the post content where the featured image was not set
  • Content Grid - Children of all parent terms were not showing in the filter
  • Content Grid - Duplicate posts were appearing on pagination when using Load More pagination with FacetWP filters
  • Content Grid - Posts were not showing when paginating on the search results page
  • Content Grid - id and class properties were missing from the setting object passed in AJAX
  • Reviews - Module was getting translated version of reviews from Google Places despite the original
  • Dual Button - Medium and Responsive alignment issues
  • Photo Gallery - Layout issue when using the module inside Advanced Tabs
  • Filterable Gallery - PHP warnings in frontend.css.php
  • Video Gallery - Responsive columns were not working properly
  • Table - Swipe feature was not respecting the breakpoint after the recent update
  • Modal Box - Click anywhere to exit feature was not working in some cases
  • Header/Footer - Header was getting hidden in the builder when duplicating any element when overlay setting is enabled


  • Category Grid - Added filter pp_category_grid_layout_path

2.13.1 – December 15, 2020


  • Same version was showing on the plugin update page

2.13.0 – December 15, 2020


  • Added an option in PowerPack extensions setting to disable WordPress Lazy Load
  • Table of Contents - Added compatibility with RankMath plugin
  • Content Grid - Improved AJAX response speed for dynamic filters
  • Card Slider - Added options to control content margin, padding, and card max-width
  • Content Tiles - Other posts image size will be controlled by Medium or Small tile image size options based on the selected Column Width
  • Smart Banner - Description field is now WYSIWYG editor


  • Card Slider - Responsive image width issue
  • Hover Cards - Heading typography was not working for the tag other than h3
  • Table - Scroll mode was getting reverted to original when changing orientation to landscape on responsive devices
  • Table - Incorrect split of CSV data when the comma is found inside double quotes string
  • Category Grid - Delayed hover transition issue
  • Content Grid - Fallback image was not getting cropped
  • Content Grid - Equal height was not getting applied when using the Content Grid in the Advanced Tabs module
  • Content Grid - Grid layout issue due to lazy load
  • Content Grid - Default filter was not working
  • Content Grid - Undefined date_format variable PHP warning in carousel mode
  • Contact Form - Field connection was not working in the email subject field
  • Advanced Accordion - Icon alignment issue
  • Video Gallery - Minor CSS issue
  • Pricing Table - Layout issue when using in the expandable row
  • Image Carousel - Lightbox close button CSS conflict with the CSS of the Image module
  • Info Box - The hairline gap visible between icon and border when the background color is filled
  • Photo Gallery - Minor JS issue

2.12.4 – November 12, 2020


  • Smart Headings - Separator width percent unit was not working properly
  • Card Slider - Button link was not working properly
  • Card Slider - Height issue in iPhone when the direction is set to horizontal
  • Formidable Forms - Button styles were getting applied to the progress bar too due to the same HTML elements
  • Testimonial - Renamed Minimum Slides field to Number of Slides
  • Social Icons - Colors set in Row settings were not getting applied to module elements properly
  • Content Grid - Load More pagination was not working after resetting FacetWP filters
  • Content Grid - Added missing alt attribute to loading spinner image
  • Content Grid - AJAX based pagination was not working on the search page with the Relevanssi plugin
  • Logos Grid - Extra margin on the last logo item
  • Image - Border radius was not getting applied to responsive layout
  • Contact Form 7 - Label typography settings were not getting applied
  • Info List - z-index issue
  • Core (Header/Footer) - Duplicate row was showing in header template
  • Core (Maintenance Mode) - PHP warning with Genesis theme when viewing single product post

2.12.3 – October 21, 2020


  • Filterable Gallery - Medium and responsive settings were not working properly
  • Advanced Menu - Hamburger alignment was not working for medium breakpoint
  • Animated Headline - Some typography options were not working for animating text
  • Content Grid - Layout issue when using the module in expandable row
  • Login Form - Invalid data issue
  • Breadcrumbs - Added missing alpha channel for background color fields

2.12.2 – October 19, 2020


  • Reviews - Custom reviews were stopped getting displayed
  • Instagram Feed - CORS issue on some servers

2.12.1 – October 15, 2020


  • Table of Contents - JS error after 2.12.0 update

2.12.0 – October 14, 2020


  • Content Grid - Added an option to display child terms as filters for taxonomy archive
  • Content Grid - Added options to add hover text color for title, content, and meta
  • Table of Contents - Added an option to choose whether to generate anchor ID from heading text or auto
  • Google Map - Added an option for custom marker image size
  • Smart Heading - Added new percent unit for separator width
  • Advanced Menu - Added border hover color option
  • Off-Canvas Content - Added logic to trigger off-canvas panel via URL
  • Login Form - Added an option to change Register link text
  • Content Ticker - Added logic to display event date instead of post date for The Events Calendar
  • Card Slider - Added logic to display event date instead of post date for The Events Calendar
  • Core - Added individual license activation settings for subsites in multisite network
  • Core - Added indicator with tooltip to show dependent modules under modules manager admin settings


  • Announcement Bar - Close icon was not appearing sometimes
  • Off-Canvas Content - Toggle button accessibility issues
  • Off-Canvas Content - Link with hash value in href leads the panel to close
  • Card Slider - Double quotes issue in URL
  • Author Box - Broken image alt tag due to HTML used in author name
  • Content Grid - Beaver Themer ACF fields shortcodes were not working in custom content
  • Sliding Menu - Submenu overlap issue with transparent background
  • Modal Box - Issue with multiple iframes used in saved template
  •  Caldera Forms Styler - CSS was not getting applied to pagination button
  • Logos Grid - Empty spacing field is leading to PHP error
  • Content Grid - Product price and cart button were not showing on shop archive when using main query
  • Video Gallery - Missing video thumbnail URL in structured data
  • Advanced Menu - Added missing field connections for 2 color fields
  • Advanced Menu - Browser outline issue
  • Advanced Accordion - Browser window was not getting scrolled to accordion item triggered via URL hash
  • Album - Custom registered image sizes were not showing
  • Login Form - Issue with reCAPTCHA v3
  • Category Grid - RTL issue
  • Advanced Menu - RTL issue
  • Fancy Heading - Minor PHP warning
  • Advanced Accordion - Minor PHP warning
  • FAQ - Minor PHP warning
  • Reviews - PHP error
  • Core - Enabled Modules were not getting saved properly when used or not used modules filter is active


  • Subscribe Form - Added filter pp_subscribe_form_strings_i18n to modify validation and error messages
  • Login Form - Added filter pp_login_form_password_reset_email_subject
  • Login Form - Added filter pp_login_form_password_reset_email_content
  • Login Form - Added filter pp_login_form_js_messages_i18n
  • Login Form - Added filter pp_login_form_redirect_url
  • Content Grid - Added filter pp_post_grid_ajax_response
  • Photo Gallery - Added filter pp_gallery_output_image_srcset (default: false)
  • Core - Added filter pp_modules_override_theme_dir