Change Logs

Check out what's new with PowerPack Beaver Addons.

2.37.6 – August 7, 2024


  • Table - PHP error when choosing ACF Relationship field and not providing the field key
  • Photo Gallery - Layout issue inside the expandable row
  • Table of Content - Unable to select heading tags
  • Content Grid - Carousel auto height was not working in some cases
  • FlipBox - Height issue in expandable row


  • Gravity Forms - Added filter hook pp_gravity_forms_use_gravity_theme

2.37.5 – July 15, 2024


  • Issue with WPRocket

2.37.4 – July 13, 2024


  • Advanced Accordion - Minor accessibility fix
  • Content Grid - Minor PHP warning
  • Unable to change HTML tag to <p> for text in some modules


  • Added more escaping to further improve security

2.37.3 – July 9, 2024


  • Countdown - JavaScript error after the recent update
  • Testimonial Slider - Global button style affecting the arrow and dots colors

2.37.2 – July 9, 2024


  • Category Grid - Images were not showing after the recent update

2.37.1 – July 9, 2024


  • Smart Headings - Removed "no" text output

2.37.0 – July 8, 2024


  • Social Icons - Added shortcode support for links
  • Video - Purge video remote thumbnail cache when purging Beaver Builder cache


  • Content Grid - Removed extra left margin from filter wrapper
  • Content Grid - Loader icon size issue in some cases
  • Content Grid - Removed loading overlay when paginating using Load More or Scroll
  • Content Grid - Hidden events were showing in AJAX filter result
  • Info Box - Button icon size was not working for dashicons
  • Photo Gallery - Prevent lightbox showing all images when used in post loop through layout shortcode
  • Album - Prevent lightbox showing all images when used in post loop through layout shortcode
  • Contact Form - Button colors were getting overridden by global button styles
  • Subscribe Form - Button colors were getting overridden by global button styles
  • Advanced Tabs - BB's Posts carousel was not loading in the tab content
  • Advanced Accordion - BB's Posts carousel was not loading in the accordion content
  • Smart Heading - Link nofollow was not working
  • Video - Minor PHP warning
  • Video - Unable to scroll the page after closing the lightbox in some cases
  • Video Gallery - Responsive columns issue
  • Category Grid - 1px gap issue
  • Shortcode in link was not working in several modules
  • jQuery unrecognized expression error when the URL hash contains special characters


  • Added extra sanitization and escaping to prevent any potential XSS

2.36.4 – May 29, 2024


  • Social Share - Print button was not working after recent update
  • Gravity Forms - Credit Card security field was rendering on a new line
  • Bulk select in backend was not working when using Responsive Lightbox & Gallery plugin

2.36.3 – May 16, 2024


  • Video - Missing timezone in the schema markup
  • Filterable Gallery - Large number of filter items remain in single line
  • FAQ - The first item was not getting collapsed automatically
  • Advanced Tabs - The icon size field was not working for the image icon
  • Advanced Tabs - Icon was rendering instead of image on responsive breakpoint
  • Content Grid - ACF Relationship was not working correctly when using Load More pagination
  • Pricing Table - Item height issue when item text is longer than the descriptor


  • Added filter hook pp_link_rel_attrs

2.36.2 – April 5, 2024


  • Content Grid - Scroll pagination was repeating posts when using FacetWP filters
  • Album - Cover height was getting applied on the button trigger
  • Social Icons - New Twitter icon displays incorrectly on Windows
  • Hover Cards - Opacity issue when using global color for the overlay
  • Hover Cards - Should not set transparent background when the overlay color is not provided