Announcing PowerPack 1.0.4 – 6 New Modules, Bug Fixes & Improvements
Last updated October 13, 2016 · Puneet

It’s been only a week since we launched PowerPack addon. We are absolutely thrilled by the response which we have received from the community. It has been a driving force for us to keep working hard. We had a roadmap planned for future add-ons. But, there were some requests from users which we decided to prioritize.
We also thank all the users who tried our product and provided valuable feedback.
During the last week, we released 2 minor updates for bug fixes that our users reported. A few of the minor bugs were scheduled for another launch.
PowerPack V1.0.4
Today, we are excited to announce Version 1.0.4 for PowerPack. It’s coming with some cool new add-ons. Here’s what you get
- Logo Carousel
- Dot navigation
- Column Separator
- Smart Headings
- Line Separator
- Contact Form 7
- 5 New Row Separator Styles
Logo Grid & Carousel
This was one of the top requested features. Displaying perfectly sized and balanced logos is a pain most of the time. We simplified it with this module. You can upload logos, add a link, set some options and boom! You get a perfect grid or carousel display to flaunt your client logos.
Click here for demo.
Dot Navigation Module
This module allows you to create “Dot Navigation” for your landing page or one-page website. It has options for placement and of the navigation icons. Optionally, you can also enable keyboard navigation. This will allow users to navigate between rows using up / down keys.
Click here for demo.
Column Separator
We created this module based on requests from users who loved our Row Separator module. This will allow you to add fancy separators to columns.
Click here for demo.
Smart Headings
Creating fancy heading blocks are easier now. This module allows you to add Heading & Sub-heading combo. You can add stylish line / icon / image separators between / below / above the headings. So, you have more styling and variations bundled in a nifty package.
Click here for demo.
Line Separator
While building the Smart Headings module, we realized that it would be cool to have Line Separators as a different module. We asked a few users and they welcomed this thought. So, now you can add stylish separators between different sections of your site.
Click here for demo.
Contact Form 7
CF7 is a popular free WordPress plugin for creating forms. As a developer, I know, styling forms build with form builders is never easy. Soon after the launch of PowerPack Beaver Builder addon, we received requests for Contact Form7 module. With this module, you will be able to style the forms easily.
Click here for demo.
New Row Separator Styles
Row Separators is one of the most loved modules and we improved it further. In this release, we have added 5 new styles
- Pyramid
- Wave
- Cloud
- Slit
- Boxes
This update also includes some bug fixes and improvements which are listed below
- Missing styling for Info List Module.
- Testimonial styling conflict with BB Theme
- Added an option to enable “Pause on hover” for Testimonial module
- Improved functionality for Row Separators. So, the CSS will be applied after all the changes are published and the separator will move to its correct position.
- Improved labels and re-organized controls for Info Banner and Info Box. Your existing settings won’t be affected
What’s next?
We are working on Modal Box which will be released in the next week. PowerPack is simply getting better every day.
Wow, This is really very nicely done. This team are a bunch of professional who take at heart what they do and how they do it.
Great job again everyone
I’ve just bought your addons and they are really great. If you have bought Beaver Builder you need this plugin for sure