
Video Module for Beaver Builder allows you to integrate a video on your web pages with multiple styling options.

Video Module for Beaver Builder

Play Button Customizations

The video module gives you the flexibility to style and customize the play button icon.

Lightbox pop-up

Add lightbox pop-up to the video and customize the background color, content width, and close button.

Custom Thumbnail Image

You can choose any picture of your choice as a thumbnail image of your video. This will also reduce the loading time.

Play Video

Add and Style Lightbox pop-up

Video module for Beaver Builder allows you to add a pop-up lightbox, it darkened the web pages in the background & helps the video to stand out.

Custom Thumbnail Image

Add an attractive thumbnail image to the videos which make people more likely to click the video.

Play Video

Play Button Customizations

Video module allows you to customize & add impressive image icon to the play button of the videos.

Loading Time​ Optimization

Video module of the PowerPack Addons for Beaver Builder comes with the optimized feature; you can add the number of videos without worrying about the loading speed of the page.

Play Video

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